What is an AOV?
Automatic Opening Vent (AOV) smoke control systems are increasingly popular in commercial buildings. These systems use smoke detectors to automatically open vents, windows, and doors, facilitating rapid smoke ventilation and mitigating the effects of a fire. Additionally, AOV systems can integrate seamlessly into your everyday ventilation system.
What is an AOV System
AOV control systems are used mainly to control the ventilation of smoke in a fire. Changes to building regulations were made due to the results of investigations into smoke inhalation.
When a detector or call point is triggered an AOV control system will open actuators, windows or vents to create ventilation. This clears smoke for people leaving the building and vents smoke out of the area that has been triggered.
Building Regulations for AOV Systems
UK Building Regulations require smoke ventilation in occupied buildings to enable safe escape during fires. According to British regulations, smoke ventilation systems must be serviced twice a year at a minimum. Qualified engineers must conduct maintenance in compliance with the British Standard BS7346-8 for smoke vent inspection and testing.
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 also mandates fire safety for commercial premises. Only BS EN12101-certified and CE-marked smoke vents (AOVs) are approved for use in the UK.